Silesian Medical University to host Food Week 

fot. Artur Zawadzki/REPORTER

The Silesian Medical University is inviting visitors to the Food Week organised as part of the European City of Science. Many interesting meetings, workshops and other popular science attractions are planned from 22 January. 

“Over the course of seven days from 22 to 28 January we will look at food and nutrition, taking a very different perspective and bearing in mind that eating is not only an absolutely basic biological need, but also a matter of a high quality of life, the organisers announce.

Workshops for schools, a training course for authorising officers and directors of educational establishments, as well as individual dietary consultations on healthy lifestyles, body composition analysis and dietary advice are planned. 

The organisers are also inviting people to create a “Grandma’s Recipe Book”. The programme includes, among other things, casual conversations and sharing of culinary experiences, talks on culinary traditions and inspirations from the past, and a presentation on the role of herbs in cooking and their impact on health.

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