Silesian University of Technology implementing the European MineHeritage project


The MineHeritage project has started at the Department of Mining Exploitation of the Faculty of Mining, Safety Engineering and Industrial Automation of the Silesian University of Technology, which aims to show how important mineral resources have and still have in the development of civilization.

Through the history of mining, MineHeritage will show the importance of mineral resources in the development of Europe, European culture and society. The creators of the project want to encourage schoolchildren and young people to learn about the history of mineral mining in Europe through a multi-level internet game and application for mobile devices for exploration as part of cultural tourism.

The project is financed by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), which is a body of the European Union, as part of the HORIZON 2020 Framework Program for Research and Innovation of the EU and the funds of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. 13 scientific units from 11 European countries participate in the program.



Innovations Technical sciences