Silesian University of Technology to develop noise reduction systems for devices

Tomasz Kawka/East News

An international research consortium headed by the Silesian University of Technology will focus on reducing noise caused by cars, airplanes, industrial and household appliances. The scientists received EUR 2.7 million from the Horizon Europe program for the implementation of the work.

The aim of the project is to develop systems to reduce noise passing through the housing of devices, both industrial and household.

The project will be attended by KU Leuven, University College London, University of Southampton, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Otto-Von-Geuricke Universitaet Magdeburg, German research institute DLR, and companies: Airbus, Siemens, Analog Devices, Muller-BBM.

The research will involve scientists from Hong-Kong Polytechnic University, Nanyang Technological University Singapore, Kansai University, Qatar University and Universidad Austral of Chile. The project is also supported by the Central Office of Measures, Noise Abatement Society, Stadler, Diehl Aviation.

