The HematopoiesisISS Team, composed of young scientists from the Silesian Medical University and the Jagiellonian University Medical College, is developing a project to study CD34+ hematopoietic marrow-forming cells under the conditions of the International Space Station. The team was among the winners and won a grant in the Direction: Space competition.
The young scientists’ research will not only be able to answer questions about the impact of space travel on the human body, but will also help improve therapies for autoimmune diseases and cancer, including leukemia and lymphoma.
The idea for the project was born as part of the Direction:Space student competition. The organizers of the competition are: Empiria and Knowledge Foundation and New Space Foundation. The originator of the contest was a Polish European Space Agency (ESA) project astronaut Slawosz Uzenski.
Read more: https://sum.edu.pl/pl/wiadomosci/ogolne/kosmiczny-sukces