State Higher Vocational School in Tarnów to launch a new study – Applied chemistry


The State Higher Vocational School (PWSZ) in Tarnów has expanded its educational offer with a new study – Applied chemistry, which complements the wide range of majors and specializations related to chemistry at this higher school.

The launch of the Applied chemistry engineer study is dictated by the socio-economic needs of both the Tarnów subregion and the entire Małopolska Province.

Chemistry is one of the seven “smart” specializations in Małopolska indicated by the Marshal’s Office of the Małopolska Region as a key skill with the greatest development potential, – explains Dr Agata Lada, Head of the Department of Chemistry at the State Higher School of Economics in Tarnów.

The course will be conducted as a practical profile. The graduate will obtain engineering competencies, and additionally, a large number of practical classes and apprenticeships will contribute to even better preparation for professional work.

Higher education