Students of the Faculty of Architecture of the Silesian University of Technology awarded in an international competition


Julia Giżewska and Jakub Jopek, students of the Faculty of Architecture of the Silesian University of Technology, won the 3rd prize in the prestigious International Re-Use Italy Competition. The aim of the competition is to draw attention to historical buildings and give them a new function.

Over 500 works from different corners of the world were submitted to this year’s competition. The international jury awarded prizes and distinctions to 3 best applications. The competition was addressed to both students and professionals. The design task was to transform the ruins of the Italian church of Chiesa Diruta into a concert hall.

– We support the idea of ​​reusing space and believe that it should be popularized more often, so we decided to take part in the competition. The issues of the renovation and adaptation of historic buildings mean an interesting design process, because during it we are obliged to thoroughly learn the history of a given place, and thus the local community – say the winners.


Events Technical sciences