Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Koszalin University of Technology to launch Automation and Control laboratory


The modern Automation and Control laboratory was established at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Koszalin University of Technology. This new center will allow students to gain knowledge and competencies in the field of innovative automation in line with the idea of ​​Industry 4.0.

The equipment of the laboratory will enable students to learn the programming languages ​​of modern industrial machines and devices. They will learn here the structure and principle of operation of industrial automation elements, such as controllers, inverters, stepper motors, servos, safety systems and HMI touch panels, ensuring communication between a human and a machine, automation or monitoring system.

The training stands are connected with workstations equipped with specialized software. This allows students to upload created programs and graphics to physical elements, run simulations in the programming environment, compile programs and check them for errors.

More: https://tu.koszalin.pl/art/2763

Higher education Technical sciences