A student of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology reaches the final of the Polish Radio Program IV competition


Justyna Pelc, a student of the Faculty of Computer Science and Management at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology reached the final of the competition organized by Program IV of the Polish Radio. The broadcasting station awards young people that have original interests and create original things.

A member of the Innspace group and last year’s “Wrocław inhabitant of the Year”, Justyna Pelc was nominated for the Radio Four Award for her involvement in space projects. Only in recent years, Justyna Pelc – together with members of her team – won leading places in international competitions for studies on the exploration of Mars and the Moon and on suborbital flights.

In the second stage of the competition, the winner will be selected by the audience. Until June 13, everybody can vote for a favorite star via the radio website. Participants who justify their choice in an interesting way will be awarded prizes. The results of the vote and the name “Original 2021” will be announced at the final gala scheduled for June 24.

More: https://pwr.edu.pl/uczelnia/aktualnosci/nasza-studentka-wsrod-finalistow-nieprzecietnych-12023.html

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