Students of the Krakow University of Technology win an international architectural competition


Students of architecture of the Krakow University of Technology, Julia Sierpień and Yaroslav Panasevych, took the first place in the international architectural competition entitled “24h Farmer”.

The task of the competition participants was to design an urban building that could serve as a farm within 24 hours. The jury appreciated the idea of ​both students for its flexibility and adaptability to the pre-existing building structures. The jury emphasized that this is not a utopian project, but one that can be easily implemented. They also noted that the idea of ​students inspires city residents to establish social relations.

The concept takes into account the needs of people in a changing world, also due to the pandemic. Competition participants had to pay attention to changes in the lifestyle of city dwellers, as well as their social and environmental demands. The universality of the object was equally important as well as the possibility of duplicating and building it in various urban spaces.

Events Technical sciences