Students of the Opole University of Technology to practice production and logistics process management

Politechnika Opolska

A laboratory has been set up at the Opole University of Technology, where students will learn how to comprehensively manage production and logistics processes under almost real conditions. A system donated by the company Turck, a leader in industrial automation, will serve this purpose. 

The system, valued at over PLN 80,000, consists of, state-of-the-art software that enables cloud-based operation, real-time process tracking, process simulation, design of various flow scenarios, as well as an HF/UHF reading and recording device with antennas, a control panel, traffic lights and sensors.

The new equipment will be used by students of logistics and production management and engineering. Thanks to the modular production system, which is already equipped in the lab, students will be able to plan virtually the entire production process including the movement of materials, products or semi-finished products.

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Technical sciences