Students of the Poznań University of Economics to receive Awards for master’s theses


Four MA theses written in the Department of Insurance at the Poznań University of Economics were awarded in the third Competition of the Financial Ombudsman.

The first place was taken by Magdalena Chmielewska for the work “Activities of legislation and market protection institutions on changes in liquidation fees in life insurance with an insurance capital fund”, the second award was received by Anna Chojan for the work “Analysis of the impact of economic assumptions on the value of life insurance company valuation using methodology Embedded Value. ”

The third award was shared between two works: “Insurance contract as a method of managing cyber risk” by Mateusz Manuszak and “Change in the definition of an insurance accident in trade credit insurance in the light of restructuring and bankruptcy law and the consequences for the insurer” by Kamila Nowicka.


Higher education