Students of the Silesian University of Technology to research space


Young scientists of the Silesian Aerospace Technologies Student Scientific Club operating at the Silesian University of Technology have won a competition for the development of specialist measuring equipment for the satellite.

The competition was organized by the Wrocław company SatRevolution. The main prize is access to a real satellite, in which it will be possible to place the constructed measuring equipment. Students will be given a space of 1.5 cm x 1.5 cm x 9 cm in which they must place sensors and equipment recording relevant space data.

The apparatus must be constructed by May next year. Then it will be placed on the SOWA platform. The satellite will be launched in December 2021 on board the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.

The experiment will study the conditions in the upper atmosphere, at the level of 600 km, i.e. in the ionosphere. There scientists can learn the characteristics of the plasma, the number of electrons in the ionosphere and the influence of radiation on the satellite components.


Technical sciences