Students of Wrocław University of Science and Technology join the finals of the CanSat Competition in the United States


Students from Wrocław University of Science and Technology have qualified for the finals of the CanSat Competition organized by the American Astronautical Society for the third time. Members of the Aerospace University of Technology research club are designing a spacecraft that will be presented in Virginia in June.

During the final of the competition, the probes of student teams will be parachuted to a height of 750 meters. They are then to drop the first parachute and release another 400m, then extend the line with the science charge to 300m to finally terminate the radio transmission and sound the touchdown horn.

“Our CanSat will weigh approximately 600 g and should fit into a space 125 mm in diameter and 400 mm high. It will consist of a container with two parachutes of different sizes and a scientific load (payload), which will be lowered on a 10-meter line”, says Tobiasz Puślecki, CanSat team leader.


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