Institute of Biology of the University of Szczecin opened a virtual Herbarium Stetinense

Kirsty Wigglesworth/ AP/ East News

A virtual herbarium Herbarium Stetinense has been opened at the Institute of Biology of the University of Szczecin (USZ). The collection of nearly 100,000 plants includes dried plant specimens in Western Pomerania. They include collections of mushrooms from the Wolin National Park or lichens of the Beech Forest.

– Herbarium Stetinense is something we want to be proud of as a university. The history of the project is long, and its total cost amounts to PLN 25 million. The technologies available to the herbarium laboratory will be used not only by scientists from the Pomeranian region, but also for the whole of Poland, says the Rector of the USZ Prof. Waldemar Tarczyński.

Founded in 2013, Herbarium is a knowledge system about the biodiversity of West Pomerania in relation to plants and fungi. The components of the pioneering project include the herbarium Stetinense and the West Pomeranian Plant and Mushroom Distribution Atlas. The laboratory collects herbarium collections and data on the locations of plant species, fungi and lichens.

