Students to submit applications for the BioLAB program of the Polish-American Fulbright Commission


The Polish-American Fulbright Commission is inviting students and PhD students of biological and chemical sciences to submit applications to the BioLAB 2020-21 Program. The deadline is February 1, 2020.

The BioLAB program enables one-year research internship in a laboratory located in one of four educational institutions in the USA: University of Virginia in Charlottesville, University of Chicago, University of Texas: Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas and Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation in Oklahoma City.

During the internship, students will conduct independent research in modern laboratories, the results of which are often published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. In addition, they can take an active part in the life of an American university, participate in seminars, guest lectures, and learn about American culture. In some cases, they also have the option of using research results for their MA / PhD thesis at the home university.


Higher education