Toruń astronomers recorded two fast radio flashes in our galaxy


Astronomers of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, in cooperation with researchers from the Netherlands and Sweden, recorded two fast radio bursts (FRB) from the Milky Way. FRBs are millisecond bursts of radiation recorded on radio waves.

Such phenomena are extremely powerful – the released energy can be up to 10 million times greater than the solar radiation power. By April 2020, all the bursts that astronomers could see were originated within the hundreds of millions of light years. This time the source was a magnetar from our galaxy.

The source, was already known to researchers and observed by RT1 radio telescopes in Westerbork in the Netherlands, two telescopes in Onsala in Sweden, and a 32-meter RT-4 from Piwnice near Toruń. On the last day of the research, two more bursts were recorded. Researchers do not know what is their cause, their hypotheses even include the operation of extraterrestrial civilizations.

More: Szybki-blysk-radiowy-z-naszej-galaktyki

Technical sciences