University of Agriculture in Krakow has digitised 10,000 plant specimens


The University of Agriculture in Krakow (URK) is implementing a project called ‘Integration and mobilisation of data on Eukaryote biotic diversity in the resources of Polish scientific institutions (IMBIO)’, funded by Digital Poland.

As part of this project, 10,000 plant specimens have been digitised at the Forestry Faculty of the URK, forming the Herbarium KRFB; Herbarium Instituti Botanicae Silvestris (registered in Index Herbariorum). 

The oldest specimens forming the scientific collection were collected and compiled by Professor Stanisław Sokołowski, the first head of the Department of Forestry at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Jagiellonian University. They represent a collection dating back to the 1920s and 1930s, which gave rise to our current collection and from which the Herbarium collection was started. 

Preparations for the project involving a preliminary inventory of the collected resources were carried out in collaboration with URK students, members of the Forest Biodiversity Section of the Scientific Club of Foresters. The collections will be made available in the resources of the National Biodiversity Information Network (NSIB), of which the University of Agriculture is a member.

Higher education