University of Agriculture in Krakow receives Elsevier Research Impact Leaders Award 2023

fot. URK

The University of Agriculture in Kraków (URK) has received the Elsevier Research Impact Leaders Award 2023 in the Agricultural Sciences category, for significant progress in publishing for agricultural sciences in Poland. 

The award was granted by the scientific publishing house Elsevier. The Research Impact Leaders award is given to universities whose publications have had the greatest impact on the perception of Polish science in the world.

The award was received during a meeting of the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland in Łódź by the Rector of URK, Prof. Sylwester Tabor, PhD.

Among the nominees for the award in the Agricultural Sciences category were: Warsaw University of Life Sciences and Wrocław University of Life Sciences. 

Awarded since 2016, the Research Impact Leaders Award is part of Elsevier’s global initiative to support research and scientific development across multiple disciplines.

Research and development