University of Agriculture in Krakow to hold XIX Polish Days of Insects


From 19 to 20 June 2021, the Faculty of Forestry of the University of Agriculture in Krakow will hold the 19th National Insect Days.    

During the event, the University will present collections of live exotic and domestic insects including pests, food insects, water insects, coprophages, social, forest and predatory insects.

Participants will also be able to see prepared insects, pictures of butterfly wings, a collection of insectivorous plants from the Botanical Garden of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, and photos on entomology. A collection of butterflies from the Arthropod Museum in Bochnia and a collection of exotic butterflies from the Butterfly House in Czaple Wielkie will be also presented.

The scholars will present popular science topics, a film and photo session devoted to the memory of professor Adam Grochowalski (a deceased employee of the Krakow University of Technology, enthusiast of entomological photography of butterflies and plants).
