University of Gdańsk rated 7 places higher in QS Emerging Europe & Central Asia University Rankings


The University of Gdańsk (UG) was ranked 77th in the QS Emerging Europe & Central Asia ranking – a list of 450 best universities from Emerging Europe and Central Asia. The university improved its last year’s rating by 7 places.

The University of Gdańsk is ranked 10th among 27 Polish universities in this ranking, including all types of higher education institutions and 6th among classical universities. Over the last five years, UG has improved its results in this ranking by as many as 20 places, and additionally it joined the group of 17 percent of the best universities in the region, while five years ago it was 32 percent.

The QS EECA ranking is one of the most recognized regional rankings of higher education entities in the world. It uses 10 indicators, with the accent on academic reputation based on expert surveys (weighting 30%), and reputation expressed by employers (20 percent).

More: Uniwersytet – gdanskiego

Higher education