University of Life Sciences in Lublin to launch Research, Implementation and Didactic Center for Innovative Technologies in Horticulture


Scientists from the University of Life Sciences in Lublin will receive a modern research center. They will conduct research on plants there, including for industry and pharmacy.

On the premises of the university’s experimental farm in Lublin Felin, the Lublin University will launch a Research, Implementation and Didactic Center of Innovative Technologies in Horticulture within a year. The new Center will include a complex of automated greenhouses and a building with modern laboratories.

The construction of the center will cost PLN 17 million. The Ministry of Education and Science co-financed it with PLN 14 million.

-This investment appears to be a challenge, but also an important undertaking with a clearly defined goal. It will strengthen innovative technologies in horticulture. It works and develops dynamically at the University of Life Sciences, but it needs this modern infrastructure – said Przemysław Czarnek, Minister of Science.

Higher education Innovations