University of Life Sciences in Wrocław to work out modern model for assessing tram tracks


Dr Eng. Izabela Wilczyńska from the Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics of the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences together with Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacyjne (Public Transport Company) will develop a model for assessing tram tracks using modern measurement techniques. The project will be implemented from the Municipal Support Program for Higher Education and Science Partnership and the “Mozart” Economic Activity Sector.

– This should improve the track infrastructure management system, which is important if the city focuses on public transport and wants to convince residents to use it. For this reason, communication should be reliable, and this means also the reliable infrastructure – explains Dr Eng. Izabela Wilczyńska.

The collected information will be used to create a database of Wroclaw tracks that will allow for better infrastructure management and establishing a renovation plan. The authors are planning to patent the application and the utility model.

Technical sciences