University of Opole implementing an international project to prevent the use of marijuana


The University of Opole, in cooperation with the University of Harran and the University of Istanbul (Turkey), the University of Oslo (Norway) and the Portuguese organization Associação Juvenil de Deão, are implementing a project of Strategic Partnerships for Youth in the cannabis use prevention.

Scientists have already developed a prevention program and films of a universal prophylaxis character for young people. They are also working on a special issue of the journal Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy. It will deal with the diversity of cannabis cultures related to gender, digital media, social class and cartel socialization, the impact of the pandemic on markets and the users.

The authors will deal with the influence of global corporations on local farmers in Africa, changes in the use of medical marijuana and related to the liberalization of law, the use of cannabis by the elderly and new technologies in the activities of dealers.


Medicine and biotechnology