University of Opole to develop the idea for using waste paper in the agricultural industry


The Opole company Envipro Terratech, together with scientists from the University of Opole, will explore the possibilities of using used paper in the agricultural industry. The idea will help manage half a million tonnes of waste per year and improve crop efficiency, as wastes reduce soil acidity.

The company needs 100 to 200 tonnes of paper per hectare to increase soil moisture. The company’s representatives ensure that the research carried out at the Institute of Cultivation, Fertilization and Soil Science in Puławy confirmed the suppositions of specialists from Opole about the possibility of using the mixture in agriculture.

Envipro Terratech has been conducting research for 4 years. Their final product is expected to be on sale in two years. The scientists from the Opole University will help with the last stage of implementation, where laboratories will be built.


Innovations Research and development