University of Silesia in Katowice running the # UŚwspiera campaign


The University of Silesia in Katowice is running the # UŚwspiera campaign. As part of it, university researchers, didactic staff, artists and support staff are developing and sharing proprietary materials that can help find a coronavirus pandemic.

Participants of the action will tell how they cope with remote work, free time and challenges that they would have called before as an ordinary, gray everyday life. They suggest how to better understand emotions and reactions.

Employees of the Silesian University are developing sets of physical exercises and games to diversify the time spent with the family. They will share their artistic works and reveal what they read, watch, write and listen to during the pandemic. They will help to understand what is an invisible opponent we are fighting with and explain how they themselves participate in this difficult battle by conducting scientific research.
All materials will be made available via the website:
