The University of Szczecin will cooperate with the Central Office of Weights and Measures. The main aim of the partners is to carry out the project “Assessment of the impact of metrology on the economy in Poland”.
The University of Szczecin received funding for the project ‘Evaluation of the impact of metrology on the economy in Poland’ in the amount of PLN 387,444 as part of the Polish Metrology programme. As a consequence of this funding, cooperation with the Central Office of Measures was formalised in order to implement the results of scientific research and development work.
The aim of the project is to assess the impact of metrology on the Polish economy, using a wide range of research methods and techniques based on international experience, aiming to verify research tools developed abroad and compare the results for the domestic case. The study will attempt a possibly comprehensive quantitative assessment of the impact of metrology on the Polish economy.
Read more: https://usz.edu.pl/uniwersytet-na-miare/