University of Warmia and Mazury and University of Lodz to hold scientific conference on the 19th-century culinary habits of Poles


The Institute of History of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, the Institute of History of the University of Lodz, the Jan Matejko House Museum – Branch of the National Museum in Krakow and the Polish Historical Society, Branch in Olsztyn, are organizing on October 8-9, 2021, the 9th conference within a program “Private life of Poles in the nineteenth century” titled “The Perspective of the Table”. 

The conference will take place in Krakow. The organizers are proposing a new cognitive perspective of the private life and everyday life of the epoch – its view through the prism of food. They intend to encourage researchers to look at the private life of nineteenth-century Poles “from the perspective of the table” – in the context of culinary culture, consumption rituals and social conditions of food.

Culinary practices and eating conventions also bring information about the mentality of Poles. The subject of nineteenth-century cuisine and the culture of preparing and consuming meals creates many possibilities for interpretation and opens up new research perspectives on Polish society at the time of the partitions of Poland.

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