University of Warsaw to hold the XVIII Sociological Congress


The Polish Sociological Society, the University of Warsaw and the Warsaw University of Life Sciences are organising the XVIII Sociological Congress in Warsaw on 14-17 September 2022.

The organisers emphasise that “the challenge for sociology is to be able to see new forms of social life emerging from today’s confusion – and this requires the search for new concepts and models of thought”. 

The theme of the 18th Sociological Congress is ‘Society of the Future. Recompositions’. With this title, the organisers want to express their conviction that “turbulence, growing differentiation and increasingly fluid borders herald new social configurations, new social practices and new great cultural ideas, according to the concepts of Max Weber”.

The programme framework of the Convention is set by four themes, organising speeches and discussions: Landscapes of Tomorrow, Society in Disease, Mobility, Diversity, Minorities and Society of Uncertainty.
