UniWeliS Project partners published report on the status of researcher mobility support

West Coast Surfer / Mood Board / Rex Features/ East News

The first part of the UniWeliS Project, participated by the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) participates, has ended. Its aim was to support the internationalization of higher education by professionalizing services for mobile academic staff.

The partners of the Project, co-financed under the European Union “Erasmus +” program, include: Slovak Academic Information Agency (Slovakia), Academic Cooperation Association (Belgium), Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski (Bulgaria), Comenius University (Slovakia), University of Niš (Serbia).

The main goal of the first phase of the project was to learn about the difficulties faced by visiting scientists. According to NAWA, report shows that “scientific institutions should develop short- and long-term partnership strategies with external institutions in order to consolidate shared services and maintain regular exchanges at the expert level”. In addition, the report indicates that in recent years, many scientific institutions across the CEE region have made noticeable progress in attracting and supporting foreign scientists.



Higher education