Visit of the Minister of Science and Higher Education to the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow

fot. MNiSW

The Minister of Science and Higher Education, Dariusz Wieczorek, met the authorities and employees of the AGH University of Science and Technology (AGH) in Krakow. During his visit, he became acquainted with key projects carried out by AGH in strategic areas: space engineering, IT or energy.

Prof. Jerzy Lis, Rector of AGH, and Prof Rafał Wiśniowski, Vice-Rector for Cooperation, presented Minister Dariusz Wieczorek with opportunities related to the organisation and implementation of the Polish branch of NATO’s Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA) programme. 

During the meeting, the head of the Ministry of Science also became acquainted with the development prospects and commercialisation opportunities of an innovative solution implemented at the AGH Department of Materials Engineering and Ceramics. This is a project for efficient thermoelectric modules, which may find wide application in the field of energy.

Higher education