Warsaw and Tokyo to develop Polish-Japanese cooperation in the field of supercomputers and scientific computing


The Interdisciplinary Center for Mathematical and Computational Modeling of the University of Warsaw (ICM UW) and the Institute of Systems Biology in Tokyo (SBI) signed a cooperation agreement concerning scientific computing, supercomputing, cloud computing and networking and scientific software applications.

Both institutions will introduce the Garuda multi-tool in Central Europe, which is a “multi-tool computing solution ensuring connectivity and automation of various data, devices and analyzes”.

The areas of cooperation of ICM UW and SBI will include: computing systems biology; omics (omics are disciplines whose task is to explain the biological and chemical principles of the body’s functioning using modern chemical methods and molecular biology methods) and Big Data methods – algorithms, programs and calculations concerning large amounts of data; Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning; provision of computing resources and access to applications; Cloud Computing; Supercomputing.

Technical sciences