Researchers from Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University (UKSW) in Warsaw and the Institute of Labour and Social Affairs in Warsaw have developed a support model for senior citizens most affected by social exclusion caused by the pandemic.
The solution is currently being tested in three municipalities in Mazovia where the percentage of seniors is above average: : Wyszogród, Boguty-Pianki and Przasnysz. As part of the pilot, and depending on local needs, a variety of cultural, sporting, health, psychological and physiotherapeutic activities take place.
In the municipality of Wyszogród, the social welfare centre, library, school, community centre, parish, as well as scouts and volunteers and the Rural Housewives Club are involved in the pilot activities.
“The project’s innovation lies in the fact that it presents a comprehensive approach to older people”, stressed Dr Elżbieta Bojanowska, project manager. “It is aimed not only at active older people, but also at those who find it difficult to leave home on their own”, she added.