Warsaw scientists to use artificial intelligence in the diagnosis of lung diseases


Scientists from the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Sciences of the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) want to improve the diagnosis of lesions visible in computed tomography and X-ray pictures of the lungs. 

Imaging tests play a key role in the diagnosis of lung diseases (from cancer to changes typical for pneumonia, including those caused by COVID-19). However, even experienced radiologists with the available algorithms are challenged to interpret the results. To facilitate this process, researchers from the Warsaw University of Technology are using new possibilities of artificial intelligence.

-We intend to develop an IT system that will support the radiologist’s work by enriching computed tomography and X-ray images with additional information / metatraits, – says Prof. Przemysław Biecek, project manager and leader of the MI2DataLab team.

The project will be implemented by an interdisciplinary team: specialists in software engineering, artificial intelligence, explanatory machine learning, data visualization and radiology.

Innovations Medicine and biotechnology