Warsaw University of Life Sciences joins the project to protect the wetlands of the Kampinos Forest


The Kampinos National Park together with the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW), the REC Polska Foundation and the Marshal’s Office of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship are starting a comprehensive project to protect wetlands in the Kampinos Forest.

The project is a continuation of the “Kampinoskie Bagna” project implemented in 2013-2019, under which over 40 small retention facilities were built.

According to SGGW, this time activities will focus on three areas located in the central and western part of the Park, on land owned by the State Treasury. The main goal is to increase water retention by building a number of small retention facilities and redirecting it from artificial canals to numerous natural depressions there.

The project participants planned a construction of thresholds on the Łasica, Zaborowski and Ł-9 canals, ponds, naturalization of over 8,000 meters of canals, or reconstruction of extensive farming on 108 ha of meadows.
