Warsaw University of Technology wins the competition for the Mayor of Warsaw Award


The winners of this year’s Mayor  of Warsaw Award for the best thesis on the development of the city became researchers of Warsaw universities. They received two main prizes and six distinctions.

In this year’s competition, the main prize in the category of doctoral dissertations was won by Dr Eng. Krzysztof Skarżyński of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology for his thesis: “The system for assessing light pollution and energy efficiency in the illumination of buildings”. The thesis supervisor was Prof. Eng. Wojciech Żagan, and the auxiliary supervisor Dr Eng. Sebastian Słomiński.

In the category of master’s theses, the main prize was awarded to Anna Gregorczyk from the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography of the Warsaw University of Technology for the thesis: “Development of a methodology for determining the location of public electric vehicle charging stations using GIS tools”. The thesis supervisor was Dr Eng. Joanna Pluto-Kossakowska.

Technical sciences