Wroclaw University of Technology students win Fortum Clean Energy Hackathon


Data science students of the Faculty of Computer Science and Management of the Wrocław University of Technology took first place at the Fortum Clean Energy Hackathon. In 10 hours, they designed a system using artificial intelligence to indicate the best places for the location of electric car charging stations.

The “Wieszcze” team, including Karol Gawron, Michał Pogoda, Michał Swędrowski and Norbert Ropiak were given ten hours to develop any project that could reduce waste or increase energy efficiency.

The project was based on the economy of sharing photovoltaic installations and the use of artificial intelligence, which allowed for the construction of “shared” charging stations for electric vehicles, which would provide better use of excess energy from private installations and the use of data on traffic, population and energy production in the area.

More: https://pwr.edu.pl/uczelnia/aktualnosci/wieszcze-z-danologii-najlepsi-z-inteligentnego-zarzadzania-energia-11794.html

Technical sciences