What do Poles think about robots


The HumanTech Centre at SWPS University and IDEAS NCBR have prepared a report entitled “What do Poles think about robots?”. The survey of Poles’ attitudes towards the phenomenon of robotisation shows that machines equipped with artificial intelligence arouse extremely different feelings towards this technology.

While 14 % of respondents declared that the development of robots should be carried out without restrictions, at the same time 3/4 of respondents want the development of robotics carried out only with great care and under supervision.

The report comes at a time when Poland is at the threshold of the robotisation process. In the world, on average, there are 151 robots per 10,000 employees, while in Poland there are 71, but in 2020 there will be only 42. Thus, it can be assumed that a significant part of the respondents have not had many opportunities to interact with robots so far, and their attitudes towards intelligent machines are mainly shaped by media coverage.

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Technical sciences