Wrocław Body Sociology Section to research how dance influences people


The Wrocław branch and the Body Sociology Section of the Polish Sociological Association, the Institute of Sociology of the University of Wrocław, the Wrocław Contemporary Museum and the Reception clubhouse are inviting participants to the meeting on January 19, “How does dance influence people!?”

Becoming a dancer is a rather lengthy process in which not only the body but also the own perception of the dancer changes. Many people take part in this process – dancers, partners, teachers, parents, close relatives and others. Dance also has a significant impact on shaping children’s development.

The organizers are planning a discussion about what happens in the dancer’s mind and body, whether and how their perspective of own and someone else’s body changes, how these new perspectives, e.g. eroticism or intimacy in dance are different from non-dance and how experience of own body changes with the necessary physical exertion, pain and entering the role of a dancer.
