Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences is implementing a pocket park project


University of Life Sciences, City of Wroclaw and Wrocław Agglomeration Development Agency are jointly implementing a pocket park project under the Horizon 2020 framework program „Demonstrating innovative nature-based solutions in cities”. 22 partners from nine countries take part in it, including three leaders from Manchester, Valencia and Wrocław.

The innovative model of micro-green systems in Wrocław is to consist of pocket parks, green streets and walls, rain gardens and other green infrastructure solutions. As a result, local quality of life will be improved by increasing the availability of green public space and improving air quality.

The aim of the project is to test the possibility of using “nature-based solutions” – enabling local use of rainwater, creating oases to protect against heat and providing shades and local temperature reduction.
More: http://www.glos.upwr.edu.pl/aktualnosci/48484/naukowcy_z_upwr_i_sposob_na_smog.html

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