Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences to provide 10,000 documents of scientific value


Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences will provide nearly 10,000 documents and objects for the Atlas of Open Science Resources. The AZON 2.0 project aims to collect and increase the possibility of reusing science resources and increase their availability and improve quality.

The collected materials will include: a database of echocardiographic images and ECG records with descriptions of the history of heart disease in animals from the department of veterinary medicine and a database of microscopic photos with the results of X-ray microanalyses from the Department of Experimental Biology,

As part of the project, a database of photos of plants from Central Europe will also be made available, including invasive and segetal plants presenting the morphological and anatomical features of species, developed jointly by the Institute of Environmental Biology and the Center for Resources and Teaching Support, and a meteorological database with refractive values ​​for the area of ​​Poland developed by the Institute Geodesy and Geoinformatics.

More: https://upwr.edu.pl/aktualnosci/azon-20-upwr-udostepnia-10-tys-dokumentow-o-wartosci-naukowej-3492.html

Higher education Technical sciences