Wrocław University of Science and Technology and the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław to launch joint studies

Tomasz Lewandowski Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu

Specialists in solving local and global challenges related to the bioeconomy will be educated at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology and the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław. The agreement to create a common study was signed by the rectors of both Wrocław universities – Prof. Arkadiusz Wójs and Prof. Jarosław Bosy.

Joint studies are a proven solution that is very beneficial for students. They can achieve knowledge and experience from lecturers and the teaching base of both universities. On the other hand, education in English opens our offer also to foreign candidates, including participants of international student exchange programs.

Biocenomy is full-time, BA studies conducted in English. The study program has been designed to develop the skills of an innovative and interdisciplinary approach to problem solving and to create competences for the implementation of technology and cooperation between science and business.

More: https://pwr.edu.pl/uczelnia/aktualnosci/studiuj-jednoczesnie-na-pwr-i-upwr-rusza-rekrutacja-na-bioceonomy-12476.html

Higher education