The authorities of Wrocław University of Science and Technology and the University of Wrocław have signed a letter of intent on cooperation in the scope of membership in the European University Alliances ArQus and Unite!. “This declaration of joint actions is a natural consequence of striving to make academic Wrocław more European”, emphasized the vice-chancellors of both universities.
The signatories declared their cooperation in fulfilling the mission entrusted to them as members of the European University Alliances ArQus (University of Wrocław) and Unite! (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology).
The cooperation is to concern the exchange of experiences and good practices from the implementation of the initiative of the European University, taking joint actions resulting from the implementation of this initiative, promotion of the internationalization of teaching and research activities, and the exchange of information on international teaching and research activities. The details of joint ventures will be determined in subsequent agreements concluded between the universities – informs the University of Technology.