Wrocław University of Science and Technology co-creates Industry Skills Centre in Wałbrzych

Politechnika Wrocławska

More than 300 people will be trained in mechatronics by 2026 at the newly established Branch Skills Centre (BCU) in Wałbrzych. Wrocław University of Science and Technology is a partner in the project worth almost PLN 19 million.

The main task of the Centre will be to support the preparation of personnel for the needs of a modern economy in the field of electronics and mechatronics. The plan is to train a total of 300 people (including 90 young people, 180 adults and 30 vocational education teachers) by 2026. Classes and workshops will be conducted on, among other things, the operation and diagnostics of electric and hybrid vehicles and the construction of power plant equipment.

BCUs are a completely new unit in Polish education. They are to be leading centres enabling the education of young people, the further education of adults and the improvement of teachers’ qualifications, giving access to state-of-the-art technologies. 120 BCUs are to be established in Poland, with funds for this amounting to PLN 1.4 billion coming from the National Reconstruction Plan.

Read more: https://pwr.edu.pl/uczelnia/aktualnosci/w-walbrzychu-powstanie-branzowe-centrum-umiejetnosci-przy-wparciu-pwr-12908.html

Modern economy