Wrocław University of Science and Technology to launch a new teaching post


A new teaching post has been established in the laboratory of fluid mechanics of the Faculty of Mechanics and Energy of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology. It will allow students with specialization in aerospace engineering and aerospace to perform advanced measurements. Students in heat engineering will also benefit from the new solution. 

The station consists of a main unit, which is a common part for all laboratory exercises, and four interchangeable modules. The main part is the wind tunnel, the supply fan, the multi-arm pressure gauge and the thermometer. Connecting the selected module to the main unit changes the function of the station and enables one of the four laboratory exercises.

Students will be able to measure drag force, boundary layer velocity and airfoil pressure distribution, and deal with the Bernoulli Equation and the Continuity Equation.

More: https://pwr.edu.pl/uczelnia/aktualnosci/nowe-stanowisko-dydaktyczne-na-w9-dla-przyszlych-lotnikow-11954.html

Higher education Technical sciences