WSB Academy in Dąbrowa Górnicza awarded with HR Excellence in Research


The WSB Academy in Dąbrowa Górnicza joined the elite group of institutions awarded by the logo of European Commission with the HR Excellence In Research. It is a prestigious award aimed at increasing the attractiveness of working conditions and career development of scientists in the European Union.

The logo is awarded to the best research centers that meet the stringent requirements of the European Commission in terms of research standards and provide the best working conditions for scientists and conduct recruitment processes in an open, transparent manner and in accordance with the guidelines of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.

The logo is the basis for awarding the unit bonuses in international grant competitions of the European Commission in the field of research and innovation, national grant competitions, as well as in competitions and programs of the Ministry of Education and Science, and gives the right to post advertisements on the Euraxess platform.



Higher education