Polish-Irish Historical Studies is a new research and educational project carried out at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. The aim of the project is to distinguish the historical relations between Poland and Ireland, especially in relation to the 20th century.
The research will have a strong social dimension – it will refer to the currently changing social structure of Ireland. It is intended to enable Poles living in Ireland, as well as those who were born there and now live in Poland, to identify more deeply with both countries.
As part of the project, an Internet platform has been created under the address Polish-Irishstudiahistorical.com. The website offers detailed information on the project, research articles, a repository and a list of books and articles on historical Irish-Polish relations.
Read more: https://amu.edu.pl/wiadomosci/aktualnosci/ogolnouniwersyteckie/polsko-irlandzkie-studia-historyczne