At the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław, children learned how to provide first aid to dogs

Martyna Kostrzycka Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu

The charges of the Colorful Socks Foundation took part in first aid workshops for dogs organized at the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław. The veterinarian explained to the children how to help their dogs when something happened to them and stopped breathing.

The dog resuscitation process is similar to that of humans, starting with the ABC principle – airways, breathing, circulation. You need to make sure that the respiratory tract is clear, open the mouth and check if there is, for example, a ball or a stick in it. Then check your breathing with the system: I can see, feel, hear. You need to see if the chest is rising, if you can feel the breath on your cheek and if you can hear the sound of air.

– If not, we check the heart rate. A dog’s heartbeat is best felt on the inside of its thigh or the heartbeat in its chest. When the heart does not beat, we proceed to resuscitation – says veterinarian Piotr Frydrychowski, quoted on the university website.


