Central Statistical Office informs on higher education in the academic year 2020/2021


On December 31, 2020, 1,215.3 thousand students studied at universities in Poland, by 11.3 thousand more people in comparison to the previous year. In the 2019/20 academic year, 293.4 thousand students received a graduation diploma, by 20.4 thousand less than in the 2018/19 academic year – informs the report of the Central Statistical Office “Higher education in the 2020/2021 academic year”.

In the 2020/21 academic year, 349 universities were active, including 130 public
and 219 non-public (including 10 higher schools run by religious organizations).

Women constituted 58.0% of the students. 796.7 thousand students attended full-time studies (65.6% of students), while 418.6 thousand students studied in part-time studies.

The most frequently chosen studies include: Business, Administration and Law, where 22.3% of all students studied, Technology, Industry, Construction (14.8%), Social Sciences, Journalism and Information (11.9%) and Health and Social Welfare

Higher education