Collaboration between the Silesian University of Technology and the Mechanical Devices Research and Development Centre

Politechnika Śląska

The Silesian University of Technology will cooperate with the Research and Development Centre for Mechanical Devices OBRUM – part of the Polish Armaments Group. The partners will work together to develop innovative solutions for national security and defence.

The cooperation will be conducted in the scope of exchange of information on the conducted research and development activity and major achievements, implementation of joint research and development projects and use of the partners’ laboratory infrastructure to develop innovative solutions for the security and defence of the state.

The agreement also provides for the development by the university of expert opinions on the technologies used and implemented by OBRUM, the organisation of professional traineeships for OBRUM employees at the university, the organisation of internships and work placements for students and doctoral students at OBRUM, as well as cooperation and promotion of educational initiatives.

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Research and development