Prof. Fausto A. Canales from Universidad de la Costa in Colombia will conduct research at Wrocław University of Science and Technology on the characterisation of solar, wind and hydro energy resources in the Kłodzko and Żywiec districts. The Colombian scientist is the winner of the Stanislaw Ulam Programme organised by the National Agency for Academic Exchange.
“The research will include an assessment of trends, variability, probability distributions, complementarities and available coefficients of efficiency of these renewable sources in the areas under study, explains Prof Canales.
The work will involve statistics and mathematical and hydrological modelling, combining well-known techniques with new approaches proposed by the scientists involved in the project The research experience and methods used can then be extended to other regions of the world, contributing to more sustainable power systems.
Read more: https://pwr.edu.pl/uczelnia/aktualnosci/stypendysta-nawa-poprowadzi-badania-na-w7-12727.html